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#New member Pressure and Self
The most difficult thing about camming by far is the pressure I put on myself to succeed, perform well, hit quotas. It can be motivating until I apply too much, then it is paralyzing. Its a hard cycle to break and feeding it only brings it on more.
2 replies
Princess Sarah
Level 18
18 hours ago
Welcome to cam101
Try not to put pressure on your self you will have ups and downs you will have good shows and bad
14 hours ago
Hi EG88

If you are setting the quotas, then you should be working towards them rather than try to hit them immediately.
Small steps in the right direction always work better, so be kinder to yourself and push that quota further down the line.
Every time you make a little way forward you can celebrate that rather than seeing it as missing the big target.
YOU are far more important than your target xx